Extra functions for your site
Just like you can choose to add patios, skylights and extra bathrooms to your new home, so you can add exciting and useful features like these to your website to make it more useful and interesting to visitors...
- Forums
- Real Estate Property system
- Booking Management
- Business Directory
- Classified ads
- Feedback forms
- Photo gallery
- And more!

Let's take a look at the basics of what these include.
Have you ever wished that:
- Anyone who has found a solution to a problem by using your product /service would share their experience with other people who are interested in doing business with you?
- Anyone who has something of interest relating to your product /service or industry could contribute to your knowledge bank so that it in time it becomes a valuable source of info for both new and old clients?
- You could answer similar questions about how your product works (can you do this or that with it, will an older component work with a newer model etc) just once?
- And that you could have all the questions and answers in one place and then expand on them as necessary?

A discussion forum allows you to do all of this. You could build up your very own online community!
Real Estate Property System
Does your Estate Agency need an online presence? Adding a Real Estate Property systemto your SnapSite is your answer!
This add-on includes:
- Multiple property classes (commercial, residential etc)
- Searchable fields (no of bedrooms, bathrooms etc, for example)
- Multiple images per listing (automatic thumbnail creation)
- Easy user back-end allows agents to add & edit listings
- Each listing includes the listing agent, with a link to their details
- Mortgage Calculators (Loan Term, Loan Repayment, Loan Amount)
- And much more!

Booking Management
If you're a guest house, B & B, hotel or any business that books by the day, a Booking Management system can make your life so much easier!
This add-on includes:
- Booking form
- Calculation of room availability and pricing immediately
- Guests get immediate confirmation of their reservation
- Multiple rates
- Unlimited number of rooms
- And much more!

Business Directory

Would you like to offer your clients an area on your site where they can create a profile for themselves and list their details?
Or perhaps you'd like to create a community (clubs, companies, hobbiests etc) and allow each member to enter their details, which will then be searchable by the other members? Then you need a Directory.
The directory allows for entries by category and sub-category. Each entry can also include a graphic (a person's photo, company logos, etc).
Community Builder

Community Builder integrates the user profiles of different components in a central location (e.g. forum, business directory and photo gallery, for example) so that site members have one place where they can deal with all their contributions to a site.
It also allows you to capture more detail about users than the standard Joomla user management system does - things like address, preferences, etc.
Community Builder is highly recommended if you want your site to include a number of different functions (e.g. forum, business directory and photo gallery) for a number of users.
Photo Gallery

Ever heard the saying "A picture speaks louder than a thousand words"? Well, if you're a professional photographer, this is especially true. Nothing demonstrates what you can do better than actually showing your photos to people!
If you're a wedding photographer, you can offer your brides something extra with their bridal package by offering to load their wedding photos to a separate section of your photo gallery.
This will allow them to share the memories and joy of that special day with all the people who couldn't be there or who were there but who had to travel far to get home again and so didn't get to see the pictures.
Imagine how much the bride (and her mother!) will love you if you make it possible for them to show your wonderful photos to the world. And the extra exposure won't do you any harm either!
Classified Ads
Allow classified ads on your website to improve traffic and as a possible extra income stream.
This add-on includes:
- Ad fields with categories
- Expiry of ads
- Search functionality
- Images can be added to an ad
- Users can edit/delete their own ads – if you wish
- And much more!

Feedback form

A feedback form enables you to go further than a simple Contact Us form by allowing you to gather specific information from your clients.
You can ask for comments about your service in general or ask for specific info (sizes, colours, shapes etc) that will help you draw up a quotation for them, for example.
Feedback forms can e-mail you the info entered or they can store that info in a database.
To add any of these - or other - exciting options to your website, talk to us today!
Just fill in this quick form and we'll get right back to you.